Welcome to our Seg Hwa secondary school's blog. Do enjoy . :D

03 August 2013

23th Installation & Initiation Ceremony of Seg Hwa Secondary School

Hey guys , this was our install and the theme for this install was " IgniteYour Dream" . It was well organized. Moreover , Interactors, members of various school societies Lions Lioness and school teacher advisors were invited , packing the hall with more than 200 participants.

                          *********************              ******IGNITE YOUR DREAM*******

 DATE   : 03/08/2013
VENUE  : Tong Hock Restaurant
TIME     : 12.30 pm - 5.00 pm

         23th Installation & Initiation Ceremony Of Seg Hwa Secondary School

They were the Master of Ceremony .
Leo Chew Zhi Ping, Leo Yong Kang Sheng Leo Amy Chan , Leo Ng Yi Xuan.
( from the left)

Opening ceremony presented by our seg hwa students . * Chinese YOYO *

Take picture and recogzised each other is the best thing ever !

Preparing and welcoming the Lions......

Here they are ! Claping hands for welcoming Lions !

Ribbon-cutting ceremony +*+

Our upcoming president Leo Yeo Sze Ying is presented a speech.

Leo pledge by our upcoming vice president Leo Lai Jing Yan.

Roar calls by our upcoming treasurer Leo Lee Choi Yee.

Our upcoming Secretary Leo Bettina Cheah was the Organizing Chairperson for this installation.

Our outgoing president Leo Han Zhi Guang was giving his touching speech ~

Initiation session 

Is the time for proferring ....

Key officer with lions

Lioness. *roar*

Out going leos . *Roar *


Lining up for to keep the ceremony went smoothly..~

Entertainment and  Performes time !

Outgoing Leo Pang Han Lin presenting his song.

three marshal dudes ~

Sexy ladies were dancing on the stage


Stefan and Leo Lam Min Yi

Ballet dance by Leo Mun Cheak

Couple Leo Jin Chian and Leo Tong Yau

dance dance dance, luring many guys huh

The song called "true colors" sang by Interactor Lai Wern Yi~

Leo Lee Michelle, Leo Lam Min Yi and Angeline( from the right )
 performing a funny yet splendid drama.

Leo George Khoo and Leo Lee Choi Yee.


Group photo session !


                                Thank you for reading our blog :D 


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